Gamma Rho Lambda Chapter History

The installation of Gamma Rho Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. was on Saturday, February 8, 1947 at 8:00 PM at North Gleason Park, Gary Indiana. Its’ charter members were Ernest R. Bennett, Lucius H. Brewer, Aaron A. Bromley, Joseph C. Chapman, Roscoe C. Crump, Paul A. Gore, Terry C. Gray, Charles L. Howard, Randall C. Morgan,Sr., William Nickens, Arthur F. Rogers, Harry Schell, William A. Smith, Paul A. Stephens, and T. Rodger Thompson. The formal installation was done by Bro. William N. Lovelace, General Vice-President.

In the late 1950s Gamma Rho Lambda was instrumental in spearheading the Alpha Gardens project. The purpose of this program was to provide affordable housing for minorities in the Gary, IN area. Bro. Clifford Minton worked closely with Bro. John H. Johnson to bring this endeavor to fruition.

One of the major events of note that Gamma Rho Lambda held was the Debutant Cotillion which was started on June 8, 1956 at Marquette Park Pavilion. This event presented Twenty-one debs to the community. This program has continued to be a staple for the chapter and the Gary, IN area. It provided activities and opportunities which will assist in empowering young ladies to be successful, especially during their transition from high school to post-secondary education.

Gamma Rho Lambda and the District of Indiana were instrumental in electing Bro. W. Alexander Smith to the Midwestern Regional Vice President position in 1952 during the 45th Annual Convention. He later continued to serve in this position for 3 years, and was then succeeded by Bro. Julius Judkins who was also a member of Gamma Rho Lambda. Bro. Judkins served in this positon for one term, and chose not to consider reelection.

In February the chapter hosts an annual charter celebration in honor of our charter day. These celebrations would welcome brothers and their significant others from all across the nation. Below you will find highlights of past chapter anniversaries.

Gamma Rho Lambda Brothers of Note:
Dr. William Douglas – President of Chicago/Gary Airport Board
Thomas C. Barnes – Mayor of Gary, IN
Jasper Sykes Sr.- Assistant Principal Roosevelt H.S.
Joseph Chapman – Educator
Dr. Montague Oliver – Gary Public School Superintendent
Randall C. Morgan Sr. – Pharmacist and Business owner
Dr. Randall C. Morgan Jr. M.D. and past president National Medical Association H. Theo Tatum – Principal Roosevelt H. S.
Clifford Minton – Author, Philanthropist, C.E.O. of the Gary chapter of the National Urban League 1949 to 1965.